Hello !! Ne aku coba postingkan contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris. Pidato ini aku buat khusus buat sekolahku. Jika kalian mau, boleh kok mengubah nama sekolahnya dengan nama sekolah kalian masing-masing ataupun apa saja yang tidak berkaitan dengan sekolahnya, silahkan di edit saja. Semoga bermanfaat yaaachh...
Good morning dear audiences,
First of all, let’s say our greatest thanks to Allah for all the blessing and the mercy that given so, we can gather together in this special moment and special place healthy. And also let’s send Salawat and Salam to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who guided us to the better ways of life and the better view of education.
I come to this great forum to deliver about the most influence stage of my life that formed most of my character and my study behavior. That is “The role of SMA N 1 Bolo in created the best generation of Bima”.
Firstly, let’s little bit look back to the history how our beloved school was formed. It’s formed in 1983 with the deep consideration that the needed of a good quality of a senior high school in Bolo was an urgent.
From the begin of its forming, SMA N 1 Bolo had shown its quality as one of the best senior high in Bima and even in NTB. It’s proved with there are so many achievement that gained by the students and also the teachers of SMA N 1 Bolo. We can see the evidence of all that achievements with a lot of trophy and the cups of so many events that gained.
And it’s not doubted that there are so many graduations of SMA N 1 Bolo become the students of favorite university in Indonesia like, UGM, UNY, Brawijaya University, UNHAS, IPB and many others and many of them has gained their success in their carriers and become the leader.
Now, as the best senior high, SMA N 1 Bolo has many modern facilities of study. Such as, computers laboratory with internet connection that make students easy to find all subjects related to school activities, and for about five years there is a special class that formed for special talented students who are selected firmly that give them opportunity to finish their study only for two years, it called acceleration class.
Well, talk about the quality of students must be closely related to good quality of teachers, it’s automatically. I’m really sure that all of teachers of SMA N 1 Bolo are good teachers. Most of teachers here give their best to make the students comfort and enjoy with their teaching process in the classroom. And the using of multimedia in learning process by some creative teachers, make me really keen to know more what my teachers told me. It makes the class become lively.
As one of the student of SMA N 1 Bolo, I confidently say, that I really proud of it. I feel so lucky to join this best school and be the part of the place which has been created so many great people of Bima.
To all my beloved school mates, I ask you to conserve the tradition of SMA N 1 Bolo. Let’s make it better and better for the shakes of our own future and more over for the future of the next generation of the great Indonesia.
Thank’s for your attention, may God bless us all.